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January 14, 2014

Confession time:

I’m a self-confessed last-minute mom! I don’t buy new school uniforms etc at the end of the school year but rather @ the beginning of the next. Reason: my boys tend to grow over the holidays and I don’t like making unnecessary trips to the shops.

My ideal is just taking 1 or @ most 2 days to get everything done.

A horrible surprise:

This year was no different. Even though my 9 year old daughter is starting at a brand new school, I still implemented my last-minute strategy. Off to the shops I went 4 days before she was due at school for her grade 4 orientation morning.

I walked into the uniform shop with loads of confidence (after initially going to the wrong supplier long story) only to be shocked right into reality with these words: “WE’RE OUT OF STOCK”!

“CAN’T BE” was my immediate reply! .. Horrors of Horrors!!!!

Fortunately there was light at the end of this dark surprise tunnel: The uniform shop was going to make stock to order! Yippee, I placed my order and  was told to wait for an sms stating: ‘ you may collect the dress that you have ordered’.

Fast forward to the day before orientation:

So there I am the day before the orientation. I am checking my mobile every half an hour expecting that longed-for text message BUT nothing comes through. Can it be my network that is slow? I recheck all my mobile’s settings to ensure everything is coming through, lol. All is fine. The shop simply has not sent the text yet.

Late that afternoon I call them and am pleased to hear that the dresses are almost completed. I wait, wait, wait…. Eventually I call the shop again and realise that they are CLOSED!! Really now? No problem, I resign myself to the fact that I have a back-up plan. My daughter will wear her dress from her previous school. Nevermind that the dress is pink and the new school dress is blue! The main thing is that she’ll be in uniform, even if it’s the wrong one. It is effort that counts after all!

Bedtime the day before:

My daughter went to bed very happy to start a new school the next day. She seemed unfazed by a  potential dilemma. She is much more like her mom than either of us realised before. It would be mere hours before that calm resolve would be tested.


My princess all ready for bed before the orientation day.


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